The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the
inner depths of his heart.
Proverbs 20:27 (NKJV)
The Lord looks deep inside people and searches through their
Proverbs 20:27 (NCV)
The spirit of man (that factor in human personality which
proceeds immediately from GOD) is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his
innermost parts.
Proverbs 20:27 (AMP)
Our inside, our heart is where we carry the spirit of the Lord.
By how we act, the things we say we portray an image to the Lord of how bright
his spirit is inside of us. Some of us may be so firm in our faith, that this
light is bright; bright like when you wake up in the middle of the night and
the light pierces your eyes and you have to keep them closed till they adjust
bright. This brightness is powerful and strong; life changing. Some of our
light is burning it wants to grow more, it wants to be bright that there is no
question who holds your heart and whose team you are serving. Other people may
have no light they may be lost; they may not know that GOD is so amazing, so
good and he has the power to turn any situation into light; any circumstance
can do a 360 when he is included in the plan. The thing about this great news
is that they don’t know that. Just flat out that knowledge they do not have.
Yes it’s good that we
work on ourselves and strive to be better woman and men of God, yes we want to
be less of procrastinators and more productive, yes we want to lose weight and
feel better about ourselves; but take that energy you are focusing on you and
help someone out. Be encouraging to a stranger; our words go a long way when
someone is hurting they can help so much. I encourage you to just put yourself
out there, believe that God is going to make the opportunity for you to
minister to someone’s life. There are sick people, hurting people everywhere we
go; let them know that Our Savior Jesus Christ died for them, not only to have
eternal life but a life on earth that is full of health and wealth. They are
being robbed by the yucky enemy. He is telling them lies and because they go
feel by what they see they are doomed. Let them know NO you do not have to feel
like this. There is a way out. I bet if we were all bold in this way with just
one person; it would feel better than losing ten pounds. Because we gained
another person into the amazing kingdom of GOD! I am just challenging myself
and you to be brighter than we are right now. Let people know and the rest is
up to them. But at least you shared the truth.