Monday, April 22, 2013

Marvelous Monday

So it's Monday morning and I'm at the intersection of Grimes and Turner waiting on the red light. I'm just singing along to K-Love drinking my orange juice and I happen to just glance in my mirror and see the woman behind me. I couldn't help but notice her face, she didn't look excited to start her day she almost looked like a robot just going through the motions of her day. So I was curious to see what other people looked like around me, so here I am probably looking like nosy Nancy. And to my surprise everyone around me looked the same way. Unhappy, no smile on there face, no goofiness going on, no singing along with the radio.

Then I had a thought, a thought from God. These people aren't happy to be alive, they aren't singing along with the radio because they are more than likely letting the things of this world steal the promises that Jesus has died for.

So I take the time to just say "Thank you God for giving me another day, another day with my husband, my kiddos and anyone else you place in my path today" I'm at work now and still thinking about that woman in the car behind me. I don't know her name, I don't know what she maybe facing but I'm going to pray for her today. I pray she wake up and smell God's amazing coffee and I pray that I see her again but with a grin from ear to ear.

My point today is don't get down about what may be happening today, or what situation you may face. Because honestly its just a phase, something that will only last for a little bit, but God's love, his grace and his favor that's forever. Take that promise ladies and run with it! Be the amazing women you were created to be or men, if your a male and reading this! Lol!! But seriously live out this day to the fullest after all it's the only one of its kind! Love y'all have a marvelous Monday! :) 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Everyday Things

The Lord is great and worthy of our praise no one can understand how great He is!  Psalm 145:3

We have all seen the beauty of a sunset; the oranges, yellows, reds, purples. We have all been driving looked up for a minute and caught the awe of the puffy white clouds.

When I see stuff like that, God's beauty, just all around me I mean take a look at the flowers their colors and how beautifully they are made. You can be at Wal-mart waiting in line and there could be a beautiful baby with chubby cheeks and think God had his hand in that.I mean how many people can say or even take credit for creating such beauty? GOD can!!!!!

The Lord our God is truly great as the scripture says and yes there are things about him we may never understand but that's the beauty of it. It's there because he loves us because he wants us to take advantage of all the good things he places in our life. Every good thing!!!

I mean have you ever woken up and just been like thank you Jesus for my eyes, thank you for allowing me to see another day? Or how about the fact that you have clothes to put on your back or arms and legs that function in the way God made them.

I can personally tell you I want so badly to involve God more in my everyday ordinary things. I mean yes I pray daily and yes I try and train my ear to hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But I want to be on of those women of God who before starting anything prays or thanks God for a blessing. I want to pray over the cupcakes I'm making my sons class that they be yummy without fault and that no fat cell stick to not one body. I want to include God in all I do. Not only just when I need him.

I'm challenging you to think about everyday things we may take for granted. He is the author and founder of the life he has given us the world and more. Take it!!! Praise Him!! Love Him!!! Shout it to the ends of the world spread the good news!! He has done amazing things for us all!!

Let's be in agreement and try to keep one another on track and not let the little sillies wreck our day but to find beauty in everything we lay our eyes on!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect

We have all been there frustrated with the way the day ended. Maybe your husband just made a comment and you took it out of context. Maybe those kids are on the last good nerve you have. Maybe you have eaten well all day then fallen off the path. Maybe your boss or co-workers just ticked you off in the worst way.

Well I am here to tell you to not be discouraged.  We all have off days. Days where we are going along just peachy keen and wam bam we are thrown a curve ball. Boom. Let me tell you, that curve ball is just a trick from the old evil one himself. Don't give into him.  That's what he wants just one little avenue into your life to wreck the rest of it like a dozen kids running crazy through a clean house. Wam dirty. Don't let him dirty up your life. God said that his grace is enough for us. That when we are weak His power is made perfect within us so that we can be strong. GO look up 2 Corinthians 12:9

When we feel our husband, our kids, our job, a family member, a stranger, food, smoking, drinking, any bad habit brought forth trying to seep in and cause havoc; memorize that verse where we are weak God will make us strong.

My children, while I love them to pieces, sometimes they challenge me in ways I couldn't come up with even if I tried.  But they are helping making my imperfections perfect. They are tools God is using to mold me into the woman he created me to be.  And yes at times I am very imperfect.. Yes I may yell when I should be calm and level headed. Yes I may throw my own form of a tantrum. But I don't ever loose focus of that patient always loving, always soft toned mother I know deep down he has made me to be.

And that's the point.  We need to never loose sight of the end goal. We can't let imperfection steer us back into the dark.  NO WAY!!!Take those imperfections hold your head high and know that when you are weak God's only making you stronger.

You are going to one day have the ability to be strong, beautiful and graceful all because right now God is making you perfectly imperfect.

You are truly amazing!! Don't let a little set back tell you otherwise. God doesn't make junk. You are beautiful and loved like my pastor says you can take that to the bank!! And I pray each one of you who reads this does!!