We have all been there frustrated with the way the day ended. Maybe your husband just made a comment and you took it out of context. Maybe those kids are on the last good nerve you have. Maybe you have eaten well all day then fallen off the path. Maybe your boss or co-workers just ticked you off in the worst way.
Well I am here to tell you to not be discouraged. We all have off days. Days where we are going along just peachy keen and wam bam we are thrown a curve ball. Boom. Let me tell you, that curve ball is just a trick from the old evil one himself. Don't give into him. That's what he wants just one little avenue into your life to wreck the rest of it like a dozen kids running crazy through a clean house. Wam dirty. Don't let him dirty up your life. God said that his grace is enough for us. That when we are weak His power is made perfect within us so that we can be strong. GO look up 2 Corinthians 12:9
When we feel our husband, our kids, our job, a family member, a stranger, food, smoking, drinking, any bad habit brought forth trying to seep in and cause havoc; memorize that verse where we are weak God will make us strong.
My children, while I love them to pieces, sometimes they challenge me in ways I couldn't come up with even if I tried. But they are helping making my imperfections perfect. They are tools God is using to mold me into the woman he created me to be. And yes at times I am very imperfect.. Yes I may yell when I should be calm and level headed. Yes I may throw my own form of a tantrum. But I don't ever loose focus of that patient always loving, always soft toned mother I know deep down he has made me to be.
And that's the point. We need to never loose sight of the end goal. We can't let imperfection steer us back into the dark. NO WAY!!!Take those imperfections hold your head high and know that when you are weak God's only making you stronger.
You are going to one day have the ability to be strong, beautiful and graceful all because right now God is making you perfectly imperfect.
You are truly amazing!! Don't let a little set back tell you otherwise. God doesn't make junk. You are beautiful and loved like my pastor says you can take that to the bank!! And I pray each one of you who reads this does!!
LOVE!!!! :) :) Perfectly Imperfect!!!