Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Strength to Forgive

We've all been there a discussion starts and pretty soon faster than you can recognize it something has been said and the other person is just offended. Then your hurt, then you shout back with a hurtful thing until it escalates or one person just decides to stop.  But then you're left with the aftermath, the fight circling in your head; you're thinking of better comebacks, you're questioning if what was said about you is true, I mean that ugly fight just car crashed your thought life and you're letting it runaway like a freight train......STOP!!!

Don't give any place to anything that's said in anger, especially if it's said by someone who loves you and at the moment you were just disagreeing on something. Odds are that person didn't mean it and just really got caught up in their anger and frustration. That's the funny thing about anger it can wrap around you like a snake and really stay with you for a lifetime, that is if you aren't willing to forgive.

Forgive, forGIVE, give the other person the forgiveness you know that you are supposed to and you will get freedom in return. Freedom from the thoughts that are captive in your head, freedom from putting that fight on repeat all day and just really putting your day in the crapper. Don't blame that person for your bad day. You have the ability to forgive and keep on going about with your smiley  bubbly self! Don't give place to that, don't give anyone reign over your feelings like that, it's only going to be bad for you. I've heard this saying do let anyone or anything live rent free in your head. 

Just remember friends you are wonderfully made and God loves you so very much! Be blessed today and run with it! Love y'all 

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