I get home from work, from picking up the boys trying to
get supper fixed and my little one is screaming, something is obviously wrong;
he wants attention, a bottle, a new diaper, something. So I stop do all of the
above and he is still screaming, I have Deep and it starts at seven and I’m
trying to just take care of my family but Kason’s cries for me are more and
more on my nerves, needless to say we are walking out of the door my husband
asks me if I’m ok, of course I’m ok….NOT! But just as I’m out the door the slightest
thing sets me off and I yell at my children and am rude to my husband. Blah I
failed. I’m an impatient mom, and rude wife.
I get to Deep sit in a seat and feel awful. I want to grab
my kids hug them tell them I’m sorry and I love them and the same with my
husband I want to call him and tell him to forgive me. Why do we get so
overwhelmed with everyday things? Like really I could have taken ten minutes
and really spent time with my little one, I could have taken five minutes and
just expressed my frustrations to my husband instead of a snide comment. But it
didn’t happen that way. But you know what it is ok. God still loves me and his
grace and mercy has covered that. The important thing is that I learned a
lesson last night, my family is my purpose and yes it is my responsibility to
feed them, it’s more important that I nurture and take care of the relationships
that I have with each one of them.
So take some advice from this miss the mark momma, she will
no longer dwell on the mistakes she makes. She will ask for forgiveness, learn,
and determine to do better next time. Because the God I serve loves me and
wants nothing more but for me to succeed and be the woman he created me to be,
and the beauty in that is He wants the very same thing for you! He loves us all
THAT much! <3