Tuesday, November 19, 2013

miss the mark momma

I get home from work, from picking up the boys trying to get supper fixed and my little one is screaming, something is obviously wrong; he wants attention, a bottle, a new diaper, something. So I stop do all of the above and he is still screaming, I have Deep and it starts at seven and I’m trying to just take care of my family but Kason’s cries for me are more and more on my nerves, needless to say we are walking out of the door my husband asks me if I’m ok, of course I’m ok….NOT! But just as I’m out the door the slightest thing sets me off and I yell at my children and am rude to my husband. Blah I failed. I’m an impatient mom, and rude wife.

I get to Deep sit in a seat and feel awful. I want to grab my kids hug them tell them I’m sorry and I love them and the same with my husband I want to call him and tell him to forgive me. Why do we get so overwhelmed with everyday things? Like really I could have taken ten minutes and really spent time with my little one, I could have taken five minutes and just expressed my frustrations to my husband instead of a snide comment. But it didn’t happen that way. But you know what it is ok. God still loves me and his grace and mercy has covered that. The important thing is that I learned a lesson last night, my family is my purpose and yes it is my responsibility to feed them, it’s more important that I nurture and take care of the relationships that I have with each one of them.

So take some advice from this miss the mark momma, she will no longer dwell on the mistakes she makes. She will ask for forgiveness, learn, and determine to do better next time. Because the God I serve loves me and wants nothing more but for me to succeed and be the woman he created me to be, and the beauty in that is He wants the very same thing for you! He loves us all THAT much! <3

Monday, November 11, 2013


There is so much on my heart that I don't even know where to start so I'm sorry if this sounds all over the place but ready, set, here it goes. I went to Houston about two weeks ago, I went because honestly I wanted to develop relationships with women who were wanting to get to know Jesus on another level, my goal was to make friends who I could do life with and who could help me and give me the counsel I know that I need, and well did God accomplish that or what. Seriously if you want something from him all you need to do is make it known and I promise you he will deliver in a way that you can't even imagine on your own.

And just a little back story I almost didn't even go to Houston, I was like I can't leave my kids, who is going to do everything I do, I don't want to leave all of this for Michael while he is so busy with work I mean really the list goes on and on but all it was, the enemy, trying to get me to miss out and keep me at a level where he can control me. WELL NOT ME!

So I'm so excited and happy I went because honestly I was at a point when I was questioning my church going, my volunteering, I needed that time to be stirred up to be reminded why it is I do life with GOD.

John 15 talks about how Jesus is the vine and God is the gardener and we are the branches. Well it's true. Jesus is the only way that we can be connected with the Father, we need him to have any type of success in our lives. The father is the gardener and decided what stays and what goes; but the ultimate decision if we are successful branches is up to us. Jesus can't and won't make us do anything, just like the trip to Houston he knew that it was exactly what I needed but he couldn't physically put me on the plane and make me go. I had to decided for myself if I wanted to grow and get on another faith level. Just like you do. You have to decided for yourself exactly what you want out of life and go for it no one else is going to do that for you except for you. So just in that same way we have to always stay connected with the vine because truly it can give us exactly what we need for that moment, if we choose to do things our own way, which in my case to stay home with the kids taking care of my home and helping Michael I wouldn't have gotten fed the way that God knew that I needed. And because I choose my way instead of what He had for me, my branch would have died a little bit. And let me tell you I don't want to become a dead branch or a weed because let's face it who wants a dead empty life figuring out things on their own when all you have to do is invite God, do life with him and he will give you everything you want and then some. I don't know about you but I want to flourish, in such a way that my family is full of love joy and peace, that my children know that they don't have to experiment and go off and do their own thing that they were made for more! To be leaders, to have a voice that stands out above the crowd to know that they are secure in the LOVE of the most high GOD! Seriously what greater thing than to be loved like you've never been loved before?!?!?! Why would you pass that up? DON'T!!!!!!

And you know what I'm glad I didn't, I'm going to purpose to be more like him. To show love, to be kind, to help out even when I don't feel like it because I want to be a branch that produces the most beautiful fruit, not because I want to be proud and say look what I did, but because I want to say look what God can do, if he can do it for me, he most certainly will do it for you!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Fruit; yummy red ripe sweet strawberry. That's what I think of when I see the word fruit. You don't tend to think white, fuzzy, molded over, losing its brightness red strawberry do you? Of course not!! Who wants to eat a rotten piece of fruit? No one. So why when we look at ourselves in the mirror do we see imperfections? Mold or fuzz so to speak?  I will tell you why because we buy into the lie of the world, of the enemy who says we aren't small enough, or your hair isn't fixed in the right way, your jeans arent the brand they need to be or whatever lame excuse about your face or your nose or whatever. NO! You are beautiful and so loved by God. So loved by God. 

Listen in Houston I wrote down in my notes this question. Why don't I love myself? You want to know what I wrote? "Because the world says I am not beautiful" how retarded is that? Really Francheska you have this extravagant love the Jesus poured out for you. Get over what the world says and find your amazing worth in the Father. 

Then I feel like I was hit with bricks!! Duh God loves you wake up and smell the coffee just because you aren't a size two doesn't make you worthless. The ugly little liar called Satan wants to keep you under this lie, this spell that you can't achieve anything because your appearance isnt flattering to the world. Well I've got news for you. I have had a huge revelation that because I'm not a picture perfect size I still am going to make a difference; if it means smiling or going out of my comfort zone to talk to people I really don't know well for fear of rejection. I'm not ever going to be rejected because guess what I'm good ripe beautiful fruit here to love and show how amazing God is!! And I know that I can't be bound by a number on a scale anymore. I know that I am loved regardless because His word says so! 

So be empowered to break past insecurity and take hold of life that was created for fullness in God! 

Oh and pay someone a compliment you never know what demons they are facing in their head. Be bright and full of love! ❤️

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Light Bulb

Oh my goodness I can't even begin to explain how the light bulb has just went off in my mind, body, and spirit so I will try to share it as best I can. 

I am going to my church's bible study program and we are reading a book called "One word from God can change your health". So I'm reading this book it's talking about how first our body is spirt then flesh and we need to learn to walk in the spirit man in order to control the flesh man because the flesh doesn't just operate without the brain telling it to do something. So the section I'm reading is entitled :: No Condemnation Allowed :: so I want to be sure I fully understand what I'm reading I google condemnation and come across the word criticism (we are all fully aware of that meaning) so everywhere in this section I swap condemnation for criticism. So in a nutshell it is explains that we basically criticize a lot of things and we do not need to be doing that. 

I started thinking of myself and my own crticisms towards my body, my parenting, my time management and the list goes on. But what my book was saying was don't allow those condemnations those crticisms as long as each day comes you are atill striving to be a better woman you are ok. As long as you can hear the Holy Spirit whispering to you and helping you do better it's ok. Because one day all those little baby steps are going to add up to a huge leap and guess what you will be better. So keep pressing on knowing yes you may fail but so what just don't give up. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bright Light

The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart.

      Proverbs 20:27 (NKJV)

The Lord looks deep inside people and searches through their thoughts.

      Proverbs 20:27 (NCV)

The spirit of man (that factor in human personality which proceeds immediately from GOD) is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts.

      Proverbs 20:27 (AMP)


Our inside, our heart is where we carry the spirit of the Lord. By how we act, the things we say we portray an image to the Lord of how bright his spirit is inside of us. Some of us may be so firm in our faith, that this light is bright; bright like when you wake up in the middle of the night and the light pierces your eyes and you have to keep them closed till they adjust bright. This brightness is powerful and strong; life changing. Some of our light is burning it wants to grow more, it wants to be bright that there is no question who holds your heart and whose team you are serving. Other people may have no light they may be lost; they may not know that GOD is so amazing, so good and he has the power to turn any situation into light; any circumstance can do a 360 when he is included in the plan. The thing about this great news is that they don’t know that. Just flat out that knowledge they do not have.

      Yes it’s good that we work on ourselves and strive to be better woman and men of God, yes we want to be less of procrastinators and more productive, yes we want to lose weight and feel better about ourselves; but take that energy you are focusing on you and help someone out. Be encouraging to a stranger; our words go a long way when someone is hurting they can help so much. I encourage you to just put yourself out there, believe that God is going to make the opportunity for you to minister to someone’s life. There are sick people, hurting people everywhere we go; let them know that Our Savior Jesus Christ died for them, not only to have eternal life but a life on earth that is full of health and wealth. They are being robbed by the yucky enemy. He is telling them lies and because they go feel by what they see they are doomed. Let them know NO you do not have to feel like this. There is a way out. I bet if we were all bold in this way with just one person; it would feel better than losing ten pounds. Because we gained another person into the amazing kingdom of GOD! I am just challenging myself and you to be brighter than we are right now. Let people know and the rest is up to them. But at least you shared the truth.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Challenge Wisdom in Proverbs

Back to school time. It's officially the kids 4th day at school and I don't know about you but I find myself wanting to sleep in. Now I know if your a momma that works and has to get the kiddos ready and fed and lunch made you can't afford to hit the snooze button too much. But I just want to share some words of encouragement; with God on your side anything is possible. I'm a prime example!! Last Tuesday night I heard an amazing word from Pastor Kathy @ Chooselife Church; she encouraged us to strengthen our relationships with God, our husbands, children, and co-workers, family and etc. She encouraged us to read the book of Proverbs one chapter a night for 31 days. So with the start of school I've challenged my flesh to wake up at 5:30 and not going to lie I've woken up at 5:30 once in these past 6 days but I have got up at 5:45 and at other times 6:00 in the morning, but the one thing I've noticed regardless if I slept and extra 15 or 30 minutes some how with God's amazing grace I've managed to get through the morning with a breeze and enough time to get everything done.  And today as I read Proverbs chapter 6, it tells me to be wise in every chapter that with sister wisdom my life will be prosperous and long! And the right path and right decisions will be easily made with her by my side. So just as Pastor Kathy challenged the spark in me, I want to do the same for you; it's never to late to start reading the book of Proverbs, to start to spend more time with God! He is your BFF for life! Turn to him and all will be well with Him at your side!!! :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Red Bull Moment

It's the end of the school year, baseball and t-ball seasons are underway and this Momma is thinking to herself why o why did you over extend yourself? And you know to be honest because I want my kids to have any opportunity they can. I just wish it wasn't at the expense of my rest or mental health. But the truth is it doesn't have to be at the expense of anything. 

God gave us Jesus right. So how come we only think Jesus can help when something is uber-serious? I often forget to just go through my day and talk to him, tell him thank you, let him know I may be feeling a little stressed or as if there are not enough hours in the day. My goal is to include him more throughout the day so I can draw my strength from him. So he can give me my second wind when I'm trying do do laundry and tidy up my messy house right before I leave for a game or practice.

He can renew our strength like the eagles right? (Psalm 103:5) So why do we not take advantage? I think my honest answer is that verse isn't deep in my heart YET! But it will be and I'm working on it just like we all are working on becoming the people God has called us to be. Let's use that verse today and everyday when we feel we may need a "red bull" moment; how about let God give you wings instead! He totally can!!
You guys are beautiful love y'all have a great day!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Marvelous Monday

So it's Monday morning and I'm at the intersection of Grimes and Turner waiting on the red light. I'm just singing along to K-Love drinking my orange juice and I happen to just glance in my mirror and see the woman behind me. I couldn't help but notice her face, she didn't look excited to start her day she almost looked like a robot just going through the motions of her day. So I was curious to see what other people looked like around me, so here I am probably looking like nosy Nancy. And to my surprise everyone around me looked the same way. Unhappy, no smile on there face, no goofiness going on, no singing along with the radio.

Then I had a thought, a thought from God. These people aren't happy to be alive, they aren't singing along with the radio because they are more than likely letting the things of this world steal the promises that Jesus has died for.

So I take the time to just say "Thank you God for giving me another day, another day with my husband, my kiddos and anyone else you place in my path today" I'm at work now and still thinking about that woman in the car behind me. I don't know her name, I don't know what she maybe facing but I'm going to pray for her today. I pray she wake up and smell God's amazing coffee and I pray that I see her again but with a grin from ear to ear.

My point today is don't get down about what may be happening today, or what situation you may face. Because honestly its just a phase, something that will only last for a little bit, but God's love, his grace and his favor that's forever. Take that promise ladies and run with it! Be the amazing women you were created to be or men, if your a male and reading this! Lol!! But seriously live out this day to the fullest after all it's the only one of its kind! Love y'all have a marvelous Monday! :) 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Everyday Things

The Lord is great and worthy of our praise no one can understand how great He is!  Psalm 145:3

We have all seen the beauty of a sunset; the oranges, yellows, reds, purples. We have all been driving looked up for a minute and caught the awe of the puffy white clouds.

When I see stuff like that, God's beauty, just all around me I mean take a look at the flowers their colors and how beautifully they are made. You can be at Wal-mart waiting in line and there could be a beautiful baby with chubby cheeks and think God had his hand in that.I mean how many people can say or even take credit for creating such beauty? GOD can!!!!!

The Lord our God is truly great as the scripture says and yes there are things about him we may never understand but that's the beauty of it. It's there because he loves us because he wants us to take advantage of all the good things he places in our life. Every good thing!!!

I mean have you ever woken up and just been like thank you Jesus for my eyes, thank you for allowing me to see another day? Or how about the fact that you have clothes to put on your back or arms and legs that function in the way God made them.

I can personally tell you I want so badly to involve God more in my everyday ordinary things. I mean yes I pray daily and yes I try and train my ear to hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But I want to be on of those women of God who before starting anything prays or thanks God for a blessing. I want to pray over the cupcakes I'm making my sons class that they be yummy without fault and that no fat cell stick to not one body. I want to include God in all I do. Not only just when I need him.

I'm challenging you to think about everyday things we may take for granted. He is the author and founder of the life he has given us the world and more. Take it!!! Praise Him!! Love Him!!! Shout it to the ends of the world spread the good news!! He has done amazing things for us all!!

Let's be in agreement and try to keep one another on track and not let the little sillies wreck our day but to find beauty in everything we lay our eyes on!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect

We have all been there frustrated with the way the day ended. Maybe your husband just made a comment and you took it out of context. Maybe those kids are on the last good nerve you have. Maybe you have eaten well all day then fallen off the path. Maybe your boss or co-workers just ticked you off in the worst way.

Well I am here to tell you to not be discouraged.  We all have off days. Days where we are going along just peachy keen and wam bam we are thrown a curve ball. Boom. Let me tell you, that curve ball is just a trick from the old evil one himself. Don't give into him.  That's what he wants just one little avenue into your life to wreck the rest of it like a dozen kids running crazy through a clean house. Wam dirty. Don't let him dirty up your life. God said that his grace is enough for us. That when we are weak His power is made perfect within us so that we can be strong. GO look up 2 Corinthians 12:9

When we feel our husband, our kids, our job, a family member, a stranger, food, smoking, drinking, any bad habit brought forth trying to seep in and cause havoc; memorize that verse where we are weak God will make us strong.

My children, while I love them to pieces, sometimes they challenge me in ways I couldn't come up with even if I tried.  But they are helping making my imperfections perfect. They are tools God is using to mold me into the woman he created me to be.  And yes at times I am very imperfect.. Yes I may yell when I should be calm and level headed. Yes I may throw my own form of a tantrum. But I don't ever loose focus of that patient always loving, always soft toned mother I know deep down he has made me to be.

And that's the point.  We need to never loose sight of the end goal. We can't let imperfection steer us back into the dark.  NO WAY!!!Take those imperfections hold your head high and know that when you are weak God's only making you stronger.

You are going to one day have the ability to be strong, beautiful and graceful all because right now God is making you perfectly imperfect.

You are truly amazing!! Don't let a little set back tell you otherwise. God doesn't make junk. You are beautiful and loved like my pastor says you can take that to the bank!! And I pray each one of you who reads this does!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Strength to Forgive

We've all been there a discussion starts and pretty soon faster than you can recognize it something has been said and the other person is just offended. Then your hurt, then you shout back with a hurtful thing until it escalates or one person just decides to stop.  But then you're left with the aftermath, the fight circling in your head; you're thinking of better comebacks, you're questioning if what was said about you is true, I mean that ugly fight just car crashed your thought life and you're letting it runaway like a freight train......STOP!!!

Don't give any place to anything that's said in anger, especially if it's said by someone who loves you and at the moment you were just disagreeing on something. Odds are that person didn't mean it and just really got caught up in their anger and frustration. That's the funny thing about anger it can wrap around you like a snake and really stay with you for a lifetime, that is if you aren't willing to forgive.

Forgive, forGIVE, give the other person the forgiveness you know that you are supposed to and you will get freedom in return. Freedom from the thoughts that are captive in your head, freedom from putting that fight on repeat all day and just really putting your day in the crapper. Don't blame that person for your bad day. You have the ability to forgive and keep on going about with your smiley  bubbly self! Don't give place to that, don't give anyone reign over your feelings like that, it's only going to be bad for you. I've heard this saying do let anyone or anything live rent free in your head. 

Just remember friends you are wonderfully made and God loves you so very much! Be blessed today and run with it! Love y'all 

Monday, March 18, 2013

That one message

Have you ever gotten that one call, that one text message, or that one piece of information that totally wrecked your mood? Oh my goodness that happened to me yesterday. It just crept up under my skin and consumed my thoughts and cause a ton of doubt in my head.

We are supposed to be firm, standing strong like the palm tree in the midst of the winds. But yesterday when I read that text and grabbed hold of that first un-truth; that storm snapped me in half like a dry tree who hadn't been water in a few days.

I was ashamed I held my head low and I cried it all out. I reached out and told my husband what had happened and he reminded me to be strong,  that along with him, God will always be by my side and that really nothing is as bad as it seems. And in that moment I remembered the Word of God and I felt the calm of peace that only God can bring.   The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest! Exodus 14:14 (AMP).

Our flesh is very quick to forget the truth and believe any old lie that old snake face (Satan) will tell us. It's awful because I sat in church that very morning. We need to be quick to hold steadfast to God's promises for our life, it can't be that easy for the evil one to steal it from us. And if it is we need to take our self back to the bible and brush up. Jesus died for us to have an amazing life and we can't give the enemy any little opportunity to take that from us. BE BOLD AND STRONG!

I pray that soon I will be strong like the palm tree so that I may be strong for someone, like my husband was for me. I want to be a beam that's firm and planted in cement that always stands on the words and promises of God and his word.

The Lord says, "This is my agreement with these people: My spirit and my words that I give you will never leave you, or your children, or your grandchildren, now and forever."
Isaiah 59:21

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Food Fight

It's starting the get warm, you want to break out the tank tops, capris, and shorts. Oh my goodness what I would pay to wear some shorts. So I settle and wear them only around the house because well I may be strong in some areas but body image well let's just say it's a work in progress.

But really who have I to blame for that? Myself. You know I've thought about eating, exercising, do whats healthy and what is best for my body and it all stems back to you have to want to do it and actually put forth all the effort necessary to see results. So it's not about that I don't want to for me, it's about the effort. 

Being a Christ follower, a wife, a mother, an employee, the list goes on and on, you have to be dedicated to your title to succeed and my main problem is right now in this season in my life being "an exerciser" isn't a huge priority because honestly my time is pretty much pressed anyway.

One of my pastor's was explaining the value of being a doer of the word not only a hearer. This is my problem with exercising and choosing the right food to eat. I'm a hearer but not a doer. Plain and simple.

I read this verse in the bible; I'm going to give you to different versions of the same scripture.

Philippians 3:19 (KJV)
 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.

Philippians 3:19 (NCV)
 In the end, they will be destroyed. They do whatever their bodies want, they are proud of their shameful acts, and they think only about earthly things.

Now I realize that this can be applied to many different hazardous things that we as humans may do to our bodies but the spirit is speaking to me and my issue with health and food and exercise.  And I know I'm not the only one out there, but I am the only one that I am responsible for. 

God's saying I can't do whatever with whatever I want to end and not pay a price for it later. And this hits me to my core because I automatically think about my family. I wouldn't want my kids to be without a healthy mother because she chose a hamburger instead of a whole wheat sandwich. I would hate to not be able to run around with them, play with them, help them practice for t-ball without me.

So my spirit, my body and my mind have made a commitment to choose  wisely. Instead of drive-thru lunch I will pack a sack lunch, instead of a coke everyday water; I mean after all water is going to help me glow better than any coke every could lol :) But seriously if we make small commitments every day, small changes for a better me, a better you, and if we stick with these commitments, I mean really try hard all we can do is succeed right!?!

And with each success something else can be changed. The thing is to not be discouraged keep on keeping on. And remember always you were wonderfully and beautifully made by our Father God!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Love Eternal

So we just celebrated Valentine's Day and even though it's over I don't think the meaning behind it should be over at all; if anything we should all show the love of Valentine's Day everyday! And you don't have to be in a relationship to show love. 

Matthew 22:36-40 "“Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?” Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’This is the first and most important command.And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.All the law and the writings of the prophets depend on these two 

I want to share with you my past view of love and what it meant to me and what I've learned over the past 3 or 4 years. I used to be bitter, bitter that my past relationship didn't work out, bitter of the way I was treated and that the same love I gave was not given in return. I thought that in order to be truly loved it need to come from a man who loved me and treated me with respect and honor, little did I know that wasn't the case at all.

I live my life for those 3 years the way that I wanted to regardless of who it affected. I was selfish and did things that I knew were morally wrong but I was so lost. And you want to know why I was so lost, it's because I was so far away from God and his promises for my life. I was a full on sinner believing every little lie that the devil told me. 

Towards the last months of this period in my life I was searching for something more, something I knew was out there but came with a price. I had to in turn give up my way of life for the way God wanted me to live my life. And trust that his way was going to give me the desires of my heart. Which now I know to be completely true. But I will confess to you that the first few months of living this new way was hard, and I did backslide to some bad habits, but I never gave up. So for about 5 months I did this teeter-totter thing, where I would do everything right until Saturday and then be an angel again on Sunday until the next Saturday. After realizing that this way wasn't helping it was in December of 2010 that I had this supernatural appointment with God.

My appointment was at Chooselife Church which later I would find out I would me my future husband that very night. As I sat and listened to the Pastor's daughter preach she told us to quit sitting on the bench and actually join the game of life. I'll never forget it. I was so inspired to just finally give in and fully trust God that he gave me a desire of my heart; a man who yearned for the same thing.

Michael and I began to help each other become more established in our relationship with God and we helped each other with temptations. We helped each other be strong and reach a new level in our faith all while getting to know one another and fall in love with one another. 

God truly is faithful when you put your entire focus on HIM. He truly will see to it that all your needs and wants are met, but you have to do life HIS WAY! 

Now 3 Years later I'm married and happy and full of love; God's love and the love of a man, and a love for my children that I can hardly express to you. I promise that it may be hard at first, it may take more time that you want but if you really put your all God will be so faithful to you. And if you feel like you have no one to talk to, please know that you have a friend in me. I'll try and help as much as possible because the road to success and peace and freedom is much easier when you travel it with people who care! Be blessed!!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


We all have a purpose. A reason to live to make a difference in this crazy world. I truly have never given much thought to mine, but these last couple of years of my life I've thought about mine more than I ever have. 

I believe more than ever my purpose, my saving grace it to help my little family be the best it can be. For those who don't know me, my family may not be your ideal, may not be simple, but it's mine none the less. And my purpose to them plain and simple is to love them.

LOVE. That word can be scary to some, maybe confusing to others, and some people because of situations in the past maybe a word they care nothing about. But I'm honestly having to re-learn the true "God Kind of Love". Our pastors call it Agape; a total selflessness, unselfish always ready to serve love. Now because of the complexity of my family, this love is sometimes trying. With a husband and 3 children in the home nothing is every dull. But learning to love without fault that's something that every day I have to work at. 

Determination. That's the word that's the fuel to my fire. I want my family to be happy, equipped for whatever the world throws at them. I want them to know they have a wife and a mom who is on their side always. I want them to know I am their biggest cheerleader and I will try to help anyway that is possible. 

Mark 9:23 says, " Jesus said to the father, “You said, ‘If you can!’ All things are possible for the one who believes.”  

Believe. Not a one situation has to ever stay the same. Believe that with God at your side and a faith believing attitude nothing that comes your way is going to stay the same. Nothing is ever going to be victorious because The LORD Almighty is with you always. 

I want to share this because I know the troubles and pressures of this world, I know how hard they can seem at times, and how bleak the outcome may seem. But I want to encourage anyone out there that if they just believe even the size of a mustard seed, great and miraculous things can happen and events and situations can be changed. And as I do life I have to remind myself of these things everyday, I need to firmly plant them in my heart so that when a storm comes I'm not knocked on my butt, I can stand firm on my feet knowing that God's hands are placed firmly on my back and He and I will get though this only to become better people.

I encourage you along with myself; let's believe that GOD is getting ready to bless us in ways that we can't even think in our mind, something so great is coming we can't even imagine it! Have a great day friends!